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Tourist activities in Uganda

Tourist activities in Uganda

Uganda Safari Tours:there is so much to see and plenty of Uganda safari tours activities to undertake while visiting Uganda. Of this fact, Gorilla Link Tours is in position to organise customised safaris and tours involving these tourist activities ,wildlife viewing, gorilla trekking and so much more. Here are some of the major tourist activities in Uganda.

Gorilla Tracking Safaris in Uganda

Gorilla Trekking or Gorilla Tracking and Gorilla Habituation

Gorilla trekking or Gorilla tracking is the biggest highlight for most travellers on Uganda wildlife and adventure safaris.  However, Gorilla trekking or gorilla tracking takes place in Uganda, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo and one needs a gorilla tracking permit. It is actually the main reason many travellers get on the plane to Uganda.

Chimpanzee Tracking and Chimpanzee Habituation

Chimpanzee Tracking and chimpanzee Habituation in Kibale National Park, Uganda

Chimpanzee Tracking and Chimpanzee habituation in Kibale Forest National Park are one of the most popular activities in the park and in Uganda at large. However, Chimpanzee trekking and habituation are activities like no other. And travellers on a Uganda safari should not miss these primate walks.


Hike Rwenzori Mountains National Park

Rwenzori mountains National Park, 386 sq. meters was declared a World heritage UNESCO site in 1994 and is one of the best adventurous activities in Africa. Making these mountains of the moon the best hiking and mountaineering destinations. It is located in the South Western region of Uganda, on the East side of the Western Rift Valley.

Mabamba swamp sheobill stork

Bird watching in Uganda – Where to go birding in Uganda

Bird watching in Uganda is one of the most popular activities in the country. Uganda is a popular birding destination in the whole of Africa. Well known for its diversity of bird species, with a number of them that cannot easily be spotted in any other part of the African continent, and some are edemic to Uganda only.

Top activties to do in Bwindi impenetrable national park

Batwa Pygmy Trail and Garama cave Experience in Uganda

The Batwa Pygmy Trail experience in Uganda will take you on a guided trail guided by Batwa guides to the secret scared Garamba cave. This Batwa trail experience adds more value to the already existing tourism activities in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. That include Gorilla tracking, Golden monkey tracking and hiking the Virunga volcano mountains.

masai people

Cultural Safaris in Uganda – Amazing and fascinating cultures of Uganda

Culture safaris in Uganda are a great way for visitors to explore and learn about the amazing and fascinating cultures of about 54 tribes of Uganda. Uganda is very rich in nature and wildlife in the different parts and national parks of the country. But is also rich with different cultures that are still undiscovered.

Fishing safaris

Fishing safaris in Murchison Falls – Best time to Fish

Fishing safaris in Uganda are popular and take you to the most popular fishing destinations in Uganda. These destinations include Murchison Falls National Park where the biggest Nile Perch weighing about 180 pounds was caught and the other is Lake Victoria.

Fishing in Lake Victoria Uganda

Fishing in Lake Victoria Uganda

Fishing in Lake Victoria in Uganda is one of the popular activities and is a great experience for anglers. Who have a short time in Uganda Kampala and or Entebbe. The lake is the second biggest water body in the world and inhabitants lots of different types of fish that include Nile Perch and tilapia among others.

Golden Monkey Tracking

Golden Monkey Tracking in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

Golden Monkey Tracking is one of the unique activities in Uganda which takes place only in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. Mgahinga Gorilla National park is also home to mountain gorillas and travellers can combine both a golden monkey & gorilla tracking opportunity.


Safari Game drives in Uganda’s National Parks

Safari Game drives are no doubt one of the highlights of any Uganda safari or African safari at large and can be combined with other safari activities. That include gorilla tracking and gorilla habituation, chimpanzee trekking and habituation, mountaineering and bird watching safaris.

sipi falls yoga

Yoga Safaris in Uganda

Yoga safaris in Uganda are perfect for a traveller who wants to Escape from technology, slow down, find peace in the wild and rejuvenate their spirit. They offer several unique ways to enjoy the pearl of Africa and explore its diverse wonders.These safaris combine mindfulness, restoration, renewal, relaxation, self-reflection and inspiration.

1 Day Trip to Jinja the Source of the Nile, Mabira Forest and Ssezibwa Falls Visit

White Water Rafting, Jinja Uganda

White water rafting in Uganda takes place Jinja, which is East Africa’s Adventure Capital and home to some of the world’s finest grade 5 white water rafting and other adventure activities. There are different white water rafting adventures for even first timers, family and hard core adventurers.


Walking Safaris – Best Places for walking safaris in Uganda

Walking safaris on a Uganda safari offer a better way to get up close and personal with the African savannah bush and its wildlife. A walking safari is such an adventure and it really is one way to get to know your friends

Bird Watching safaris in Uganda

Shoebill stork Safaris in Uganda

Shoebill stork safaris in Uganda offer a unique opportunity to see the rare and bizarre looking shoebill stork which is easily seen at Mabamba wetland swamp and Murchison Falls National Park. The shoebill stork is a mighty bird which is endangered and one of the 10 highly sought

Shoebill stork safaris in Uganda

Ssese Islands Experience

Ssese Islands, one of Uganda’s less touristy places is located in the northwest of Lake Victoria, the second largest water in the world and forms one of Uganda’s prime destinations perfect for ending a Uganda safari or just relaxing on a weekend or any day getaway.

queen elizabeth national park uganda

Tree Climbing Lions Safari in Uganda, Queen Elizabeth National Park

Tree climbing lions safari in Uganda’s Queen Elizabeth National park Ishasha sector is one of the most fascinating safaris that should not be missed. In Ishasha sector, the Southern part of Queen Elizabeth National park is where these king of the jungle lions are seen.


Photographic safaris in Uganda / wildlife photography

Photographic safaris in Uganda are popular and one of the best ways to capture and keep your safari memories and impress your family and friends back home. Photography travellers on photographic safaris in Uganda enjoy capturing the beauty this less visited country- The pearl of Africa has got to offer.


Lion Tracking Experiential Activity in Queen Elizabeth National Park Uganda

Lion Tracking research experience in Queen Elizabeth National Park is a unique one and a way of actively learning about lions in this beautiful national park and should not be missed on any of the Uganda Safaris.  Meanwhile, Lion tracking is purely a research program


Hike Mount Elgon National Park

Mount Elgon, an extinct volcano that first erupted more than 24 million years ago is a prime trekking mountain in Uganda, East Africa. It is located on the Uganda and Kenya borders has the largest surface area of any extinct volcano in the world (50 km by 80 km) making it the fourth highest mountain in Eastern Africa.

Walking safaris- Best things to do in Uganda

Rhino Walking Safari 2019 Rates Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary in Uganda

A Rhino Tracking safari at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary is the best way to come up close and personal with white rhinos. From a safe distance in their natural environment. Seeing these beautiful rhinos which are on the list of the big five is an unforgettable experience.

3 Days Lowland gorilla tour in Congo - gorilla trekking safari in Congo (DRC)

Gorilla Habituation Experience in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Gorilla habituation is a process of making mountain gorillas to feel comfortable around human beings. And not feel threatened by their Presence. Uganda Wildlife Authority introduced gorilla habituation in Bwindi Impenetrable National park in 2014 January.

Horseback safaris in Jinja Uganda

Horseback safaris in Jinja perfect for travellers who are interested riding horses through typical Uganda villages. Through stunning views along the banks of River Nile- the world’s longest river. The horse owned and operated by Aussie & Kiwi expatriates who make sure that the horses are healthy, well treated, well-schooled for a calm experience for every rider.

Horseback safaris in Lake Mburo National park

Horseback safaris in Lake Mburo National park without a doubt one of the most exciting and adventuresome on our Uganda safaris. Run by Mihingo Lodge which has a concession to run horseback safaris inside the national park. The horseback rides offer an opportunity to travellers to see wildlife and interact with wild animals on beautiful horses.

Hot air balloon safaris in Uganda Murchison Falls National Park

Hot air balloon safaris in Uganda only take place in Murchison Falls National Park and should not be missed on any of our safaris to this beautiful park. A hot air balloon safari is a unique way to discover this beautiful conservation national park from the air. Offering a unique experience to have a bird eye’s view with beautiful views of Lake Albert,

Lake Bunyonyi safari – Canoe rides and other activities

A Lake Bunyonyi safari is one of the highlights on a safari in Uganda is much needed after a traveller’s gorilla tracking safari. In Bwindi Impenetrable forest national park or Mgahinga Gorilla National park. It is a perfect place for relaxing before your flight back home

Lake Mutanda Island Trip and other activities

Lake Mutanda is a beautiful lake that located just north of Kisoro. And stretches not far south of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National park. It is a relaxing place after your gorilla tracking trip and offers beautiful views of the misty virunga volcanoes.