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+256 752 171 069 info@gorillalinktoursafrica.com

Lion Tracking Experiential Activity in Queen Elizabeth National Park Uganda

Lion Tracking Experiential Activity

Lion Tracking Experiential Activity in Queen Elizabeth National Park is a unique one. And a way of actively learning about lions in this beautiful national park and not missed on any of the Uganda Safaris. Purely a research program under the Uganda Carnivore Program (UCP). Committed to the research and conservation of lions, leopards and hyenas in Uganda.Visitors will actively monitor some of the lions using locator devices under the supervision of a Senior Research Assistant James. Involved in numerous wildlife interventions, including rescuing and relocating lions and leopards. And removing snares from elephants, buffaloes, and warthogs. You will learn habituation calls of lions, monitor the weather. And learn about the environment that these lions call home, and their behaviours.

This lion tracking research trip gives visitors a great chance. About 95% to see the king of the jungles, the lions.

The results from this monitoring and tracking experience added to the data base. Thus helping in conservation and better understanding of wildlife.

How many people per Lion tracking Experience

Only a limited number of people allowed to go for this activity to avoid stressing animals and for visitors to have a great quality experience.

How long is Lion Tracking?

Lion tracking takes about 3 hours and takes place early in the morning and or in the evening and sometimes in the evening and must be booked through the Visitor Information Centre at Mweya peninsular and must be booked with in 24 hours in advance.

Other Experiential research Activities in Queen Elizabeth National Park

There are other experiential tourism activities currently available in Queen Elizabeth National Park and these include Mongoose Tracking, Hippo Census, and Bird Counts.

Cost of Lion Tracking 2018

The cost  50 USD per person paid to Uganda Wildlife Authority at their Information Centre in Mweya in Queen Elizabeth National Park. And 10 USD per person paid to the Uganda Carnivore program for the communities. The rates exclude park entry fees.

Gorilla Link Tours can organize Lion Tracking Experiential activity that can be combined by with a wildlife safari and boat safari on Kazinga channel.

Suggested Itineraries that can include Lion Tracking