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shoebill storks

Shoebill stork common at Mabamba wetland swamp
A shoebill stork- A bird that looks like a dinosaur A shoebill stork (Balaenicepts rex) is bizarre looking, shy and elusive and 54 inches /122 cm tall and has a bill that looks like like a shoe. It hunts like a heron from a standing position and lung fish are his favorite meal. Shoebill storks...
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Visit Mabamba Wetland swamp- Home to the Shoebill Stork Mabamba wetland swamp is 50km from Kampala, is 1130 meters above sea level with a record of 260 bird species. That include one of the top 10 highly demanded shoe-bill stork not missed on the check list when one is on a Uganda birding safari. A...
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