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Uganda national parks

Uganda National Parks 

The Uganda national parks are 10 in number and these include; Murchison falls national park which is the largest, Queen Elizabeth national park being the second largest, Bwindi impenetrable national park the home of mountain gorillas, Kibale forest national park the home of Chimpanzees, Lake Mburo national Park being the smallest national park, Kidepo Valley National Park a virgin destination for wildlife viewing in Africa, Semuliki National Park, Mount Elgon National Park, Mgahinga Gorilla National Park and Rwenzori National Park a home to one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world.

Uganda safaris

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park – Gorilla tracking and Habituation, Top Things to do and see – Accommodation

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park in Uganda is famous for gorilla tracking, gorilla habituation and birding safaris. There are about 880 mountain gorillas in the whole world and half of these gentle Mountain gorillas

Chimpanzee Tracking and Chimpanzee Habituation

Kibale National Park – Things to do and see – Accommodation

Kibale National park, this fascinating primate capital of the world is 766 sq km and is located near Fort Portal and Kasese towns in Western Uganda. It is about 325km and 6 hours from Kampala city. The forest is one of the lush and beautiful forests in Uganda, surrounded by Batoro and Balinga.


Murchison Falls National Park – Things to do and see – Accommodation

Located in the North-western part of Uganda, Murchison falls national park is the largest national park in Uganda and covers an area of 3,893 sq km about 1,503 sq miles. It is the oldest and first conservation area in Uganda and it is divided by the Victoria Nile.

queen elizabeth national park uganda

Queen Elizabeth National park – Things to do and see – Accommodation

Queen Elizabeth National park in Uganda was officially established in 1952 Kazinga National park and it offers a visitor the opportunity of a classic East African Safari on savannah plains. The park covers an area of 774 sq miles

Etopi- Best things to do in Uganda

Lake Mburo National Park – Things to do and see – Accommodation – Uganda wildlife safaris

Lake Mburo National park is blessed with rich diverse animal and bird life with more than 315 different bird species for those interested in bird watching safaris and 68 mammals

Uganda Kobs in Murchison Falls NP

Kidepo Valley National Park, Things to do and see – Accommodation

Kidepo Valley National park, also managed by Uganda Wildlife Authority was gazetted as a game reserve in 1958 and later became a national park in 1962. It is 1,442 km2 and ranges from 900 to 2.750 m in altitude.

Mount Elgon Sipi Falls

Mount Elgon National Park – Things to do and see – Accommodation

Mount Elgon national park found in the Eastern Region of Uganda although many travellers go for a hiking adventure to Mountain Rwenzori national park and miss out to explore Mount Elgon on a Uganda safari. The mountain lies on the Uganda and Kenya


Semliki National Park and Wildlife Reserve – Things to do and see – Accommodation

Semliki national park, in Uganda is located within the Albertine Rift. It is one of the less visited national parks in Uganda and lies within the Western arm of the famous Great Rift Valley. Semliki national park cuts across Semliki Valley, western of Rwenzori Mountain.

Golden Monkey Tracking

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park – Gorillas and golden monkeys – Top things to do and see

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is only 33 sq km (13 sq mile) in size and lies 14km (8 miles) from Kisoro town. One of the small national parks in Uganda and it is located far in South Western Uganda bordering Bwindi national park.

Rwnzori Mountains National Park

Rwenzori Mountains National Park Uganda – Things to do and see – Accommodation – Hiking

Rwenzori Mountains National park also known as the Mountains of the Moon is one of the best mountains to hike in Africa, offering the best mountaineering trekking opportunities that range from a one day trek to 9 days trek to get to the Margherita summit.

Explore Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve

Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve: Things to do and see, Accommodation, Tours

Piane Upe Game Reserve one of Uganda’s best kept secret. This beautiful, raw and less visited game reserve is the second largest conservation area after Murchison Falls National Park. It covers an area of about 2,788km2 to the north of mountain Elgon